Dear Sir or Madam; Am a male Zambian requesting for your financial aid to relieve – Larry Ellison email address

Geoffrey Mulenga sent a message to Larry Ellison Co-Founder and CEO, Oracle Corporation - email address that said:

Dear Sir or Madam;
Am a male Zambian requesting for your financial aid to relieve my university outstanding tuition fees for my last semester amounting to $3300 American Currency. Despite having successfully and completed the Double Bachelor major in Criminology and International Relations for three years at Monash Australian University Campus based in South Africa, I have not yet graduated due to the fact as mentioned above. Unfortunately, I cannot find any employment as ones placement is highly determined by the university results. Furthermore, this has doomed my passion to my academic progression such as pursuing Master Degree in Human Rights were my interest in advocating for the voiceless like women, children and the disabled lies high. For that, I would be grateful if your establishment extended your helping hand to me faced with educational barriers through financial hurdles.
I thank you for your time and consideration and remain ready to providing you with more documents regarding facilitation of the requested matter.
Respectfully yours
Geoffrey Mulenga

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