A Chinese-American sent a message to Rupert Murdoch Chairman and CEO, 21st Century Fox, Inc. – email address that said:
Dear Sir,
Your ex-wife, Wendi is engaged via proxy in exaggerated self-promotion on the Chinese-language bulletin board and other Chinese-language websites almost every day. She has been swearing about you, her ex-husband, using extremely bad language. She has also hired several Chinese people to post comments supporting her, and attack other users who do not agree with her proxy's posts.
She continually praises herself, and boasts about dating young men; specifically Charlie, the English violinist, and Bertold, a Hungarian male model in New York. She claims that both are better in bed than you.
She also claims that a number of world figures are dating her and want to marry her; including Tony, Vladimir, Bill, Donald and several world-famous billionaires. She also has claimed that she is a power in the world, and a trusted advisor to Donald, Vladimir, and other world leaders, and that they all listen to her; that she, in effect, manages world affairs and leads the world. She claims that she was a matchmaker for Trump's daughter and Jared. All of this appears to be an indication of mental imbalance.
I hope you can see your way clear to stop her swearing about you and her self-promotion on the above-mentioned websites, as she is causing constant headaches for the other users.
If there is someone on your staff that can speak Chinese, it would be appreciated if you could have them talk to the people at wenxuecity.com and other Chinese-language websites, and see if you can't get her removed from the bulletin boards permanently.
I am Chinese-American, but most Chinese do not like her, even those in China. They think that divorcing her was a smart move on your part.
Most Chinese are glad that you found a new wife, Jerry; she is much better than (Wendi).
I have no personal interest in this, I just want you to know that this is going on.
A Chinese-American