Dear Sir/Madam, We are writing to you and hoping that the company will stand up – Michael F Mahoney email address

tenzing from India sent a message to Michael F. Mahoney – President and Chief Executive Officer of Boston Scientific Corporation – Email Address that said:

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to you and hoping that the company will stand up to its reputation of being a global medical technology leader.

We the Lachenpa family from The northern part of India, Sikkim are presently in New Delhi for the treatment of our mother . We are writing to you as we have not had a satisfactory response from your team here in New Delhi and their sheer negligence and lack of responsibility has caused us undue mental harassment and caused the patient and the patient party inconvenience and undue financial losses.

Our mother  Sonam had a CRDT combo device implantation model In the year 2007 in New Delhi at the Fortis Escorts Hospital.

We have been in New Delhi since 15 th of June with our mother as she is unwell and Has left ventricular ejection fraction of 20% only. Dr. Anil Saxena senior Cardiologist at the Fortis Escort hospital who has been her doctor since 2007 advised her to immediately replace the combo device which had reached EOL in 2011.

We met with Dr Saxena and Mr. Deepak a sales representative for Boston Scientific on the evening of 21st of June 2016 at fortis Escorts hospital in New Delhi to discuss about the combo device replacement. Dr Saxena had advised that we continue with Guidant and have it replaced with a new one. Mr. Deepak promptly told us it was not available in India and that he was not sure how long it would take to get it from the U.S. And clear Indian customs. Dr . Anil Saxena enquires about the options and Mr Deepak suggested that we use an adaptor Which would work with other devices and that the adaptor was instantly available.

On our request to Dr. Saxena to request for the same Guidant device as used earlier by our mother , Dr. Saxena spoke to both Me Deepak and to Mr. Devendra Babbar (area sales Manager) to expedite the order and requested for delivery of the Guidant as soon as possible as it is a genuine medical emergency case and to put in an application to Indian custom authorities on humanitarian grounds to expedite the process. We called Mr Devendra several times but he was far from proactive and he simply said it would take him 15 days or longer to get the machine from the U.S. And that it was not available in the whole of India.

Due to our concern for our mothers health we did not want to prolong the combo device replacement procedure hence we had no option but to request for the adaptor and a new machine immediately and Dr Saxena assured us that it would be done on Friday the 24 June 2016 as he had been assured by Boston Scientific reps in India that the adaptor and the device was available .

On the 22 Nd June 2016 we had completed all the payment formalities for the 3 day package of the CRDT combo device replace the procedure at the fortis escorts hospital and had our mother admitted at the escorts hospital preparing her for the procedure to take place in the 24 th June 2016.

Today the 13 rd June 2016 we were told by Dr. Anil Saxena that the adaptor had only one point and that my mother needed an adaptor with two points , and that they were still looking for the right adaptor and would let us know by tomorrow evening. We were shocked that we were being told a few hours before the set date for the procedure that they did not have the right adaptor . We felt very let down and saw a major service failure by Boston scientific and Fortis Escort.

Once again we made several frantic calls to Boston scientific representatives seeing transparency and answers to our questions but all he said was there was no adaptor with two points in the whole of India and that our option would be to wait for the Gudiant device to come from the U.S. For which he could not even guarantee when we would receive the machine from US.

We would request you to please follow through with this and expedite to have the Guidant combo device sent to us as soon as possible as this is a genuine case and on humanitarian grounds we expect a company that prides itself of being a global leader to have more empathy and be responsible to its consumers especially when it is an emergency situation and concerns the health of a senior citizen.

Failure to take necessary actions at the earliest by Boston Scientific in communication with fortis escorts we shall have no choice but to take necessary action towards all involved here.

We have been staying at a hotel for days waiting for the procedure to take place and we have been misled to believe that the adaptor was available and Boston scientific has still not been able to get the adaptor as of now. Our mother is still at fortis escorts hospital waiting for the procedure to take place.

We anticipate an immediate inquiry into this and effective action as soon as possible.

Thank you.
Doma( daughter of Mrs . Sonam )

Tempa Lachenpa( son of Mrs sonam c )

Chokey ( daughter of Mrs Sonam )

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