Dear Sirs, I am a 48 years old constructor and antrepreneur in Romania, Timisoara city – Larry Ellison email address

Bogdan sent a message to Larry Ellison Co-Founder and CEO, Oracle Corporation – email address that said:

Dear Sirs,
I am a 48 years old constructor and antrepreneur in Romania, Timisoara city.
Our city is the second largest city in Romania having over 400.000 inhabitants.
After the 2088-2011 economic crisis due to investments made here and also because of the economic climax we have for about 4 years began an accelerate increase in real estate and constructions sector.
My aim is to build a residential quarter and a General Hospital near the city where primary directives will be the safety cultural civic level of the population along with the environmental aspect in order to improve the quality of live for theese families. This is a project pilot as an example for other antrepreneurs who want to offer a better life to people.
I wish this residential quarter to have around 8.000 inhabitants and to be a model for other cities in Europe and not only.
General Hospital will be built for people which have no financial resources.
This is a brief presentation of what I intend to do and this is why I am contacting people which can help.
This is about business not charity.
I have the know-how and people in my team (engineers, constructors, human resources specialists, etc.) and I need funding in a form of join-venture.
If this project looks attractive to you, please give me feed-back.
Best regards,
Eng. Bogdan

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