@delta – Richard Anderson – Dear Ed, I appreciated the email you sent about improving customer service, but I thought

Jon s Goldman sent a message to Richard Anderson that said:

Dear Ed,

I appreciated the email you sent about improving customer service, but I thought you might like to know that I was very disappointed when I flew from Ontario, CA to Seattle, WA back in June 2021. As we were descending, it came time to re-attach our seatbelts. The person next to me had her seatbelt fall apart from where it was connected between the seats as she tired to put it on. Looking down in there, I tried to fix it, but the bolts had come out and fallen on the floor. In addition, it was a filthy, disgusting mess between the seats.

Over a year, your planes sat during the Pandemic, and no maintenance was done to check seatbelts, or to deep clean your planes? Shame on you guys!

A disappointed passenger,

Jon Goldman

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