@delta – Richard Anderson – Hi Ed, I'm a bit piffed at you! As a Delta Skymiles member and former

SUZANNE LEOPARD sent a message to Richard Anderson that said:

Hi Ed, I'm a bit piffed at you! As a Delta Skymiles member and former contractor with Delta, I love Delta, but you made what I feel was such an elistist comment that I had to write to you. This is concerning the reclining seats. Your comment was you should ask the person behind you if you can recline your seat. What?? Spoken like someone who always flies 1st class! If I buy a seat that reclines, then guess what, I'm going to recline it! If the airlines, including Delta, would stop shoving people into the aircraft like cattle, maybe there wouldn't be any problems and we wouldn't have to 'ask' permission to recline our seats! Instead of all that money being spent on carbon neutrality how about looking at providing your paying customers a bit more comfort! Sincerely, Suzanne Leopard

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