@deutschepostdhl – Frank Appel – Dear Sir I am sorry to contact you on such a matter that I hope

Mike Batten sent a message to Frank Appel that said:

Dear Sir I am sorry to contact you on such a matter that I hope you can help with. Over the past few months I have ordered things from the internet that were being sent via UK MAIL I receive an email telling me when and what time they will arrive but the delivery never happens, I try to contact them by sending an email of which they acknowledge but I never hear another thing. This week the same thing happened, my supplier contacted UK Mail and told told him I would be contacted by phone before delivery today the 9th of May, once again no contact made, having tried to find your email address today I see there are lots of people in the same position as I am with UK MAIL
With the greatest of respect could I ask you please to step in and sort this situation out, I appreciate UK MAIL deliver 10000000s of parcels but to keep getting it wrong to myself and lots of other customers there is possibly something has become disconnected the MK office
Yours Sincerely
Michael Batten

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