@DICKS – Edward Stack – Dear Mr. Stack And to whom it should concern: We are going to terminate our

MILES CLARK sent a message to Edward Stack that said:

Dear Mr. Stack
And to whom it should concern:
We are going to terminate our Citi Dick's card, and in doing any further business with your company. Because, based on HRC.org in their 2020 Corporate Equality Index report, this year you have started giving into the demands of HRC.org and the LGBTQ agenda for corporate benefits, as listed in the criteria for CEI Report at HRC. org. And now you have a higher CE Index score this year, over our limit of 60. for your additional benefits supporting Homosexuality and transgender-ism. As a Christians, we will not support any business, who supports such things in anyway with our funds. We will also post our decision to the social medias and advise all the local churches, friends and relatives of this situation. Removing the guns and destroying them was one thing, but paying for sex change operations and assisting homosexuals to adopt children is too far. Please turn form these things and reconsider and drop your score back to 60 or below as it was last year. Why pay for such things when the courts will soon start reversing all of these forced lawsuit LGBGTQ benefits? Does your dad believe the way you do now, about guns and moral issues of our times?


Miles Clark
Dav US Marines

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