Dieter Zetsche – Hello Sir, I am an Indian aged 42 living in Bangalore, India. i have totally

Seeralan Rangarajan sent a message to Dieter Zetsche that said:

Hello Sir,

I am an Indian aged 42 living in Bangalore, India.

i have totally 21+ yrs of experience in Marketing, Administration, Security, IT Asset MGMT, logistics, L&D, currently working for US MNC (IT) as Business planning manager (L&D).

My aim in my life is to work with Mercedes-Benz, because i love Mercedes car, from my childhood days till now, i have exp., in many areas, even now when i see Mercedes showroom, i will wait for a moment and see the Mercedes car, to that extent i love it, even i had an opportunity as Administration manager for Audi i told them while sending my Cv, starting i love Mercedes, to that extant i love Mercedes.

I mostly see only technical jobs for Mercedes, as i am non technical, would request if any opportunities, so that i can join my Mercedes, in fact in sales, that's were i can explore more about our car to customers, thanks Sir.


Seeralan Rangarajan,

+91 9108269290.

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