@directv – Michael White – I have been attempting to get satisfaction for months by being in contact with your

Linda Moon sent a message to Michael White that said:

I have been attempting to get satisfaction for months by being in contact with your assistant, Ms. Jones. I sent the black box to her two weeks ago. Today I talked with "Kaye" who was unable to understand me even though I was redundant in explaining that my acct. was closed months ago, the almost $50 paid for my acct last mo should be reimbursed and the almost $50 requested in the most current email is not due since the acct has been closed for months. I asked Ms. Jones to return the close to $20 to me in addition to the almost $50 paid on a closed account last month. The black box has been returned. I should not have to continue dealing with Directv on this issue.

Please respond and tell me how to proceed. Must I contact the Better Business Bureau with all the documentation I forwarded to Ms. Jones?

Thank you,
Linda Moon
Lake Placid, FL

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