Tina Mendoza sent a message to David Nelms that said:
I'm contacting Discover about my Discover Credit Card ending in 3887! In December 2019; when we moved into our own purchased home to the corrupt City of Barstow, we were subjected to discrimination, harassment & even illegal activity by the so called Medi-Cal & IHSS Social Workers! I'm my son's caregiver. Upon my last unloading of my UHaul truck rental, IHSS turned my son entitlements off & Medi-Cal misclassified him 3 TIMES! Leading to a domino effect of my finances not getting paid! We're 2 disabled seniors and my son's caregiver at 78 years of age. All of this happened becasue I moved to the City of Barstow and becasue, without notice, they showed up at the address I was moving from and terminated his entitlements! I hung on to my finances.
up to 6 months and making payments of up to $100 interest charge alone! Then, after deliberating 6 months a consolidation company took over my consolidating cards! The cards were not in default in June'20 and was told it was not going to lead to defaulting my banks. They lied. My finances catapulted upside down!
4 months later I fired the consolidating company & I made them refund me, just last week they did! before all of this fraud, I had 100% payments on time record and never having paid interest charges!
Now; I'm trying to contact my banks and set up some kind of payment plan. Next month, after my son's Appeal, we'll be getting a decision after the hearing.
Please advise me of how Discover con work with me! I'm willing to work with Discover. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience! I plan to payoff everything I owe. In addition; I'll be paying off my car loan next month! Please advise. I won't deal with debt collectors! Tina