Delta Armtrout sent a message to Charlie Ergen that said:
Hello Mr. Carlson,
My name is Delta. I am emailing you as my last resort before I switch out to Direct TV. This is not what I want to do because I love Dish, However, my patience are wearing thin. I have been having issues with my Dish service for months. My Hopper continuously reboots about every two hours. I called in the issue 6/19/21. I have had 4 Hoppers, 5 technicians (who keep telling me the issue is on Dish Networks end- Software issue) , took off 5 days to meet technicians, Had my electrician come out, multiple calls to Dish and my issue has not been fixed. tt supervisor Ezmeralda 7/23/21 who stated I would be credited back to 6/19 for out of service until my issue gets fixed. tt Supervisor Carolee 8/14/21 who said she credited my account which did not happen and then called tt Supervisor Jessica 8/26/21 who stated she credited from 6/19/21 to 8/26/21. Today my service is interrupted! I called and was told there was a $10.00 balance on my account!! Tt Supervisor Mr. Camille who stated he credited the $10.00 and would reinstate my service. He then said he should send another tech out. I advised at this point I do not think that would help unless they are going to take out everything and start like I never had Dish since the dish, cable, and hopper have been changed out multiple times. Very disappointed, frustrated and exhausted that I have to keep taking days off of work, calling in Dish and being on hold talking to multiple customer service reps, techs and supervisors. I would like for someone to know I am having this issue and try and figure out how it can be resolved. I am a very patient person but when my service was turned off today for $10.00 after I have spent many hours of my time, lost wages and personal expense paying my electrician to help your company figure out what is wrong with your Hopper really upset me.
I know I am only 1 of 8.82 million customers and losing my business is probably no big deal. However, it is a big deal to me since for the most part I love Dish and would love to stay with Dish. Unfortunately, if this issue is not addressed or my service gets cut off again I will have to take my business elsewhere. Hoping for a resolution.
Thank you for your time,