@dmcmillon17 – Doug McMillon – Mr. McMillion , I recently was terminated from store #2233 for two consecutive needs improvement on

bonnie nadeau sent a message to Doug McMillon that said:

Mr. McMillion , I recently was terminated from store #2233 for two consecutive needs improvement on my evaluation. I felt that this termination could not have come at a worse time of a Nationwide Pandemic. After serving 28 years of service with no active coaching's or documentation of negative job performance noted prior to the termination was not fair, and not only to me but to 6 other managers in my market alone. My store manager Sam Navai has lost 9 salary managers from 12 of his original team within one year. Two of those managers were newly assigned managers from the academy . There are 5 of us that were on a medical LOA last year that are part of this termination. One of those 5 had been terminated by Sam and reinstated in another store. He worked there for a year and then terminated again. There are many issues that I have addressed in a letter to your H.O. Ethics dept. however they told me I needed to address it with HR. I did in fact reach out to my own market HR. with numerous concerns about Sam's leadership skills towards his management team but it fell on deaf ears. My letter to Ethics was suppose to be forwarded to the proper dept. but I believe it was not seen by anyone else.
I ask my HR to forward me my evaluation by mail and she refused to do so. Its my documentation and I believe I deserve to have a copy of it.
I would like to reapply at a different level than a Co. manager in the near future with Walmart. I do not expect to apply for a Co. managers position however I do believe my past evaluation reflect true leadership skills with all other 11 store managers I worked under. I was one of the many Co. mgrs. who apparently proved my performance and skills enough to have been chosen to remain a Co. manager since the last restructure. I realize that the financial metrics , customer service OGP is a key competency in evaluations however I believe leadership starts with good ethical performance. Sam does not foster environment of trust. His lack of professionalism displayed not only in front of hourly's but our customers on the floor during his negative messages delivered over the radio is just one of many actions of disrespect and harassment of his managers. I am a dedicated devoted manager of 28 plus years and devastated over a unfair termination and a manger who lacks the fundamentals of leadership skills. I appreciate your time and hope to hear from someone in your HR. dept.

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