@dmcmillon17 – Doug McMillon – Venerated Sir , Greetings I'm a immigrant came on PR basis to Canada in recent times

Manik Bakshi sent a message to Doug McMillon that said:

Venerated Sir ,


I'm a immigrant came on PR basis to Canada in recent times . Am following you since ages and learning lots of tips from us side like " CHANGE -With the changing world and customer expectations "
You are although making good efforts to global communities . What are your plans for next year CSR that to a non profitable organisation .

I'm a part of non- profitable organisation and devoting time and innovation to the unattended cancer patients who are dyeing because of the money constraints . I have been to this stage also as lost my half of family with cancer itself .

I have a strategy with which your WALMART can contribute toward this global cause just by applying them self a bit . Nothing special needs to be done and you will be contributing almost $ 5 M or so in a day . This is a robust innovation that can be shared with you personally . Need your 5-10 minutes to demonstrate this to you .

At least this much of time we can plan to give to our society considering this as a HUMANITY requirement and NEED OF THE HOUR .

Hope you will understand the agony and pain a Cancer patient feels when he sense that he gonna die because he is not having enough of money to fight it out .

Yours faithfully ,
Manik Bakshi

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