Dollar Tree – 877-530-8733 1ZE379910348896193 1ZE379910346198601 1ZE379910347116018 1ZE379910347535477 1ZE379910346757882 order #EC3478778 Finally was able to place order Tuesday, May 23rd spoke to Cindy – Bob Sasser email address

Art Thayer sent a message to Bob Sasser - Chief Executive Officer and President of Dollar Tree Stores, Inc. - Email Address that said:

Dollar Tree - 877-530-8733
order #EC3478778
Finally was able to place order Tuesday, May 23rd
spoke to Cindy, Jessica (very nasty), 2 others that I didnt write down their names, Rosmesha (very good), Shanelle (supervisor)
Used check by phone to pay for order
Never got email when order shipped - never got email with tracking numbers
happened to call yesterday to see if order ever shipped - Robert (I think) said it went to UPS Saturday and wont be delivered until 5th - was promised by 2nd. He said holiday made it later than promised. Claims it shipped from California - I was under impression it was shipping from Chicago.
I spoke to Shanelle (supervisor) again and she kept over talking me and she refused to call UPS to try to expedite order. When I told her she was refusing to call UPS she said she wasnt refusing she just wasnt making the call She said that she would try to collect enough from close stores and I can pay for them again. When I suggested that the release the product to me and I would replace it when order came in next week - she said NO - items need to be accounted for and paid for before leaving the store. Then she kept saying that it wasnt the 2nd yet so the order wasnt late yet. When I told her to stop over talking me as I couldnt hear her and she wasnt listening to me - she left dead air for 90 seconds just to be a bitch.
I called UPS and spoke yo Hoolio and he was very nice - he told me to keep tracking the pkgs and when they make it to NY I may be able to pick them up close by. He also told me if Dollar Tree made the call to them instead of me they would have expedited the order.
WE try to get a hold of someone to get this fix but got the run around please we need for 5/4/17 was told it will be here on the 5/2/17 315 429-3648 or 315 823-0830

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