@DollarGeneral – Todd Vasos – Mr Vasos I just want to tell you thank you for destroying my life and

William Mitchell sent a message to Todd Vasos that said:

Mr Vasos I just want to tell you thank you for destroying my life and my families I got hurt at the distribution center in Zanesville Ohio when A truck was loaded wrong and I had a case of bleach hit me on the head causing me to have a stroke and 2 pinched nerves and a ruptured disk so your employees say they are going to make a example out of me and blamed me for the whole thing now totally disabled I am looking at being homeless in a couple months but why should you care causeyou have everything and all I want is to go back to work and earn a honest living but that will never happen again thanks to your employees going against industry standards Dollar General is nothing but crocked and I know you are the one pushing buttons so right now to this day you can not get your products to the stores on time that is because of all the drivers either getting hurt or moving on to work in a safe environment with another company I really hope you never make it to the tv series under cover boss cause all you would be able to do is tell lies you care about nobody but yourself and ruining peoples families like mine so I just wanted to thank you for just treating me like a piece of dirt when I got hurt working for you god your company sucks

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