@dollartree – Bob Sasser – Dear sir, This is my third effort to contact you. I recently contacted you about

Rafael sent a message to Bob Sasser that said:

Dear sir,
This is my third effort to contact you.
I recently contacted you about your store on Mason avenue, Daytona Beach, Fl. that has a "No mask, no entry/no service" sign on the door. The assistan=
t manager did not even know what law allowed this conduct. She also refused=
to give me her name.
Thus I reach to the top to ask you - is such an action even legal? Does is =
violate civil law? Is it a form of discrimination? /could it be a lawsuit w=
aiting to happen?
I am in contact with Fl. Sen. Sabatini and others seeking redress in this m=
atter. I would like to speak with you about it; at least one hopes you are =
forthcoming with a timely response.
Many thanks in advance,

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