@dollartree – Bob Sasser – Mr.Sasser please compensate me for the injuries your assured tussin DM cough syrup has

Ruby whitfield sent a message to Bob Sasser that said:

Mr.Sasser please compensate me for the injuries your assured tussin DM cough syrup has caused me . #851888 SKU . Why didn't you recall this product and alarm the public about its contents which included small dark amorphous particles and fibrous particle contaminants chemical forensic analyst and a few other analyst .David Crockett at the US FDA forensic chemistry center in Cincinnati,Ohio identified these particle contaminants which were inside the bottle.this alone was enough evidence of tampering but you still didn't recall this toxic syrup ? I want justice,I want and deserve compensation.this has nothing to do with FDA OCI Agent McKenna for the Indiana district to investigate because this crime didn't happen here,it happened inside Bio-pharm inc the manufacturer. By which even though torrent pharmaceuticle acquired Bio-pharm inc. staff is still there, I just wished someone would've told me what chemicals or whatever I ingested as soon as it was tested positive I could've gotten the correct doctors care,but I received none. I swallow some of this water reactive illuminating radioactive toxic ,chemicals,acid and various metallic reflective particle liquid . it has caused me my life,what ever its made of "had to be some kind of nerve agent,it caused by body spasms and uncontrolled kicking,jerking ! What the hell is this ? Give me compensation !

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