Andrew Ostipwko sent a message to Michael Egeck that said:
Last Year I Purchased a POOL COVER ONLINE, wanted a RECTANGLE 18 x 36 Cover. I navigated your website Covers, Rectangle, 18 x 36 and was brought to that WEB PAGE!! I selected the 2nd Item from the Left assuming that ALL COVERS were RECTANGLE as the Page Heading IMPLIES - turns out YOU HAD an OVAL COVER on that Page, the ONLY ONE!! I gave the Cover in it's box to mt Pool Closer - then he Discovered the Problem. Tried Contacting Leslie's about an Exchange, got nowhere so I used my Old Cover. This year looking to Order a New Cover, I checked the LESLIE's SITE for Price Comparisons - and SAW THE PROBLEM which I relayed to Support, the WEB PAGE was SWAPPED with a NEW PAGE - Problem Still EXISTS!! I have been Back and Forth with Support (POOR) on FB and Posted on LESLIE's SITE!! They want me to wait 3 weeks (Logistics), but I am prepared to submit Complaints to the BBB, Department of Consumer Affairs ans Sue in Small Claims Court!! Unless I get a Resolution by TODAY I am Moving Forward with these Actions and Will Post the WEB PAGES on All Social Media Sites - under LESLIES!! I have a SOLID CASE and Will WIN hands Down with ALL of the EVIDENCE I Have. Let me Know Today! 516-860-7107 (cell). Respectfully, Andrew G Ostipwko