shelly wedge sent a message to Michael Egeck that said:
Mr Egeck,
I have bought from Eddie Bauer many times over the course of my life. The products are excellent. I recently purchased two pants online, which did not fit. There was not a return label in my order and I contacted customer service to request a label. Hold time total was close to an hour. I was told that since I was in Alaska, no prepaid label would be given. There is NO place on the website that I could see that this disclosure is displayed. Rather I repeatedly saw that if I lived in the US, a label would be provided if requested. I was told that "It is in the manual" that prepaid labels would not be given to people who live in Alaska. I don't know the legalities here, but it sure is terrible customer service to not be forthcoming regarding your products and to provide information on your returns page that is accurate or at least, not misleading prior to my making a purchase. Please update your website and I would encourage further customer training for the folks in the Philippines who were not particularly helpful.
Thank you for your time,