Cathy Bourg sent a message to Leo Denault that said:
It has become increasingly apparent that Entergy is a poorly run company. Having gone through numerous power outages over the many years, Entergy clearly has a inept strategy in its method in powering up areas after a weather event. However, in doing so, they always, always turn the power on in the area where we live on last or close to it. So, Entergy discriminates in its methodology. We are penalized by some archaic method that insists we are simply suppose to take in in stride. That is not acceptable. We refuse to allow Entergy to discriminate against us every time power goes out in the area. I hoping we can get a class action lawsuit going to force Entergy to look at it procedures. It is unfair to expect us to live longer without power EVERY TIME there is an outage. I wish GULFSTATES still existed. If trees are the problem, cut them down or make the landowner pay for its maintenance to protect customers. I will be calling out financial advisor tomorrow & instruct him to sell any mutual funds we may have that has Entergy. You are a HORRIBLE, DISFUNCTIONAl company. And, there are many of us in the area who feel the same way. Iâm hoping you will look into it and make improvements to the way power is turned on that will be fair for everyone.