Marcel Joseph Aubin Mani sent a message to Christopher Crane that said:
President Christopher M.Crane
Exelon Corporation
PO Box 805398
Chicago, IL 60680-5398
Dear President Crane,
On behalf and recommendation of Archbishop Emeritus Simon-Victor Tonye Bakot from the Catholic diocese of Yaoundé, Cameroon, I have
the honor to contact you in the framework of the working visit we plan to undertake to US high Schools and Universities, from November 02,
This visit will allow our mission team to meet the officials in charge of the management of academic institutions in the U.S and establish educational partnerships and sponsorship ties between these institutions and the America University of Central Africa.
We therefore request a financial assistance from Exelon Corporation to afford the expenses for our stay in the US, estimated to US$ 110,957 (Fly tickets, Hotelsâ housing and catering, domestic transportation).
The documents regarding this working visit (letter of mission, letter of recommendation from Archbishop Tonye Bakot, training programs of the American University of Central Africa) will be provided to you as soon as they are needed.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards.
Marcel Joseph Aubin Mani
President of the American University of Central Africa
Founder, the American School of Nkolbisson, Yaoundé,