Carlos A. Sabillon sent a message to Rex Tillerson that said:
My research can terminate the climate change litigation problem oil companies have
About a month ago the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals took a decision on climate matters that affected Exxon Mobil and other oil companies negatively and in 2018 the city of New York sued your company and many others for similar reasons.
My research would put an end to all that litigation and allow oil companies to sue your opponents and win, getting hundreds of billions in compensation while putting a definite end to the global warming hoax.
My research discovered that since the 1920s Hollywood has been conspiring to bankrupt oil companies by using movies as a Trojan Horse to dupe the population into believing that fossil fuel companies are corrupt and since the 1990s it has used movies to hoodwink the population into believing the catastrophic man-made global warming thesis. My discovery explains why despite the absence of scientific evidence justifying the global warming thesis, there has been a rapidly growing share of the population that believes a climatic apocalypse is approaching.
My research supplies conclusive evidence of a Hollywood long-term effort to drive the oil, gas and coal industries to bankruptcy and with the abundant data that I present, oil, gas and coal companies can file a class action suit against the Hollywood studios for defamation, bad intent and lost revenue seeking compensation in the hundreds of billions of dollars. There are several judicial cases that set a precedent to validate the previous claim.