@f1 – Bernie Ecclestone – This letter is concerning: Sandra G Maddox 11103 Brookdale Lane Upper Marlboro Md.20772 301-356-6473

stephanie w.banks sent a message to Bernie Ecclestone that said:

This letter is concerning:
Sandra G Maddox
11103 Brookdale Lane
Upper Marlboro Md.20772

Gentleman, I am honored to be able to address such a prestigious and influential group. Thank you for taking a moment to read this note. There is a woman who lives near me. She is 72 years old. A teacher in the public school system, she has given her dedication to kids and causes. She is barely mobile, and financially I am seeing that she is struggling. She is alone.

Here we are in this pandemic; I have tried to assist in leaving some things for her, food, etc. But guys, I have done what I can afford. What I saw today is a lonely woman with no family, no contact, sitting a looking at a black television screen. Her service disconnected. Yes, she is behind, and I am sure your people have probably tried to work something out without success, as my mom always said, “ you can’t get what I don’t have. She is homebound; she has no outlet other than that television. Now her lifeline has been cut.

I do not have the money to pay her bills, I don’t fall into a group that got stimulus money, so I have my own expenses, and I have provided what I could, toilet paper, and a few hot meals.

At this moment, I feel a 72-year-old woman left in isolation and silence might not make it through this period. I am asking you to turn her service on until July or August. I am going to try to find out a little more, but she is a very private woman. I realize this is not an essential utility, but my mom talks to her television, she is 93. Yes, I consider her cable service to be a necessary utility for her wellbeing. I would never let it lapse. If she had a daughter, I am sure she might help, but she has no one.

Can you gentlemen find it in yourselves to make a difference in Ms. Maddox’s life. Restore her service, and give her time to work this out. Better still restore her service, forgive her past balance, and let us work with her to keep up.

Your community-mindedness and mercy will be much appreciated. I don’t think I could stand dropping over there tomorrow and seeing her look at the screen. Please add this among your acts of kindness and community outreach. I will be sure to speak of your kindness. This woman is much beloved, but as happens to older members in our society, she is much forgotten. Without a family, she has very little help in life. What a dangerous time to be alone and forgotten. What a lousy time to be a woman who has no family. I am sympathetic because I don’t have kids and hope one day, this is not me.

Gentlemen, I believe you have the opportunity to save her sanity and change her quality of life.

Thank you
Stephanie Banks

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