@FelipeLGozon – Felipe Gozon – Dear Atty. Gozon, We are America 2030 Capital LLC., an International Investment Banking Firm &

Lee Laya sent a message to Felipe Gozon that said:

Dear Atty. Gozon,

We are America 2030 Capital LLC., an International Investment Banking Firm & Direct Lender. We are also financial intermediaries to some of the largest financial institutions and we are offering quick loans against publicly traded stocks.

These loans against publicly traded securities. Both corporate entities and individuals are eligible on any world stock exchange.

We do not charge any fees upfront.

Entire process will take 3-4weeks maximum.

Loan to Value (LTV) up to 80% of value of stock

Most publicly traded companies in the world are eligible

The shares are deposited in custodian account at your local custodian banking institution or brokerage house

The shares are never short traded

The shares remain in the name of the company or client in local custodian bank

Minimum loan amount of $500K and maximum of $500M

Non-recourse loans, no corporate or personal guarantee required

Owner of record continues to earn dividends

Only requirement is that the shares must have some level of liquidity, be in electronic form and unrestricted.

Please contact me for more details at 0917-515-0329.

Thank you,

Dr. Lee B. Laya

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