Nancy McGough sent a message to Abigail Johnson that said:
Dear Abigail Johnson, I want you to know how your company is doing. Sorry to say, I feel communication is lacking in this company. I started applying for my pension in September, I sent all my documents 10/2 with 2 day delivery. I was told when calling I would not receive any email messages about progress. Soon afterwards I called and was told they received all my documents and Dec 1, 2020 my pension would be sent to my bank account. Not only did I send my birth certificate, marriage certificate, notary signed spouse waiver and amended divorcee decree. Notice my dob was wrong on divorce decree and contacted Iowa Clerk of court to have that amended as well as to prevent a hiccup. (live in WI now) All of sudden I receive a letter in mail from Fidelity this week (postal date 11/14 ) that they were sorry but couldn't process my pension due to Notary didn't date document. My husband did sign and date it. I didn't know whether to scream or cry. So I made a call to Fidelity 11/19 to voice my dissatisfaction with how this was handled. Advisor instructed me to send in new spousal waiver document again and someone would call me back in 2 business days about my expedite request. My husband and I went to bank today 11/19 after making an appointment due to Covid. Went directly to post office, spent $10.00 in mailing fee to get it sent in 2 business days plus signed signature, it should arrive Monday 11/23. I am asking to have my pension expeditated immediately for December 1st. As it took 6 weeks for Fidelity to send me notice of this omission? I do not see any messages in my account or email on this omission. I have worked hard all my life as a nurse and continue to do phone nursing, which we strive to make our callers happy and satisfied. I am hopeful you can make this happen for me as well. With the Holidays coming up, I am also apprehensive that my request will be extended. I have waited a long time to receive this pension and was looking forward to my first payment.
Thank you for your assistance ,
Sincerely Nancy McGough