@fidelity_uk – Abigail Johnson – Forgive me- but I have to try: Possible help- for a Grandma I?m a black

Marsha White sent a message to Abigail Johnson that said:

Forgive me- but I have to try: Possible help- for a Grandma

I’m a black woman on a set income, so don’t have much money left after paying my bills. And for a few years I’ve promised my only grandson, who's now 8, that I would buy him certain things he’s asked me for for Christmas- and his birthday, and I've never been able. I really felt bad about it. And when he stayed overnight recently I was teasing him about how easily he forgets things… and he said something that really hurt… He said, “You forget things too grandma- you always promise me things for my birthday and Christmas, and you never give them.” I was truly hurt. Please help me give my only grandson a decent Christmas this year… I would be soooooo grateful. And thank you in advance.

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