@fidelity_uk – Abigail Pierrepont Abby Johnson – Dear Ms. Pierrepont Johnson, I and writing to thank you for all of your efforts

Chiara Manodori sent a message to Abigail Pierrepont Abby Johnson that said:

Dear Ms. Pierrepont Johnson,

I and writing to thank you for all of your efforts to address sexual harassment in your company. I really appreciated reading in the news about the things you are doing there towards this endeavor.

I also wish to address something else. My mother and I both have mutual funds at Fidelity. Today, I was shocked to learn that Fidelity currently is funding private immigrant detention prison facilities. It has been breaking my heart to hear the stories of babies torn from their mothers arms and kept in cages. I feel so helpless and all I have been able to do about it is join the thousands of people protesting and sign petitions. I'm asking that Fidelity stop funding and legitimizing Trump's heartless incarceration of migrants by immediately divesting from private-prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group. This atrocity has to be stopped and there is power in money. If you take away the funding it will help us all.

I look forward to receiving an affirmative response from you.

Chiara Manodori

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