@firstenergycorp – Charles Jones – I have put in a formal complaint against Met-Ed. If I was lied to in

APril Seclow sent a message to Charles Jones that said:

I have put in a formal complaint against Met-Ed. If I was lied to in Feb 2015 I would not behide in my bill. I can not afford the 573. that may or may not go though on Wednesday.
I\'m having money hardship with health issues. Your unsympathetic customer service is no help. I believe you are also ripping me off. You state 1 thing and charge me something else.
I also believe the PUC probably won\'t answer by the shut off date 11/19 nor could I get a dr appointment before than either. I\'m asking for lower payments until the old bill is paid and 60 month for new bill like promised.
You\'ll get your money, Just give me smaller payments.

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