Ken Mulcan sent a message to Gary Loveman that said:
I wanted to let you know about a instince at Bugsy Bar at the Flaming on July 8 2020,My friend and I were sitting playing video poker for an hour or so whenj the bar manager came over and asked him to leave cause he had stopped playing and she had someone that wanted to play that machine, he got up and left, and she brouight a player over to sit in his seat, which I thought, from what I was told by other bar managers and bar tenders at Ceasars property, that you could nopt sit at a machine right next to someone at the bar unless you were with that person. She then looked at the bar tender and said see thats how its done, which was an insult to me and my friend,since she had no concern what so ever for the safety and healt of her patrons at Ceasars....I have been comeing to ceasars propertys for over 40 years and have never complained about a thing, but this needed to be brought to your attention, since it was such a pure violartion of covid rules that I was informed of The managaers Name was Chris not sure last name but I would appreciate this beeing addressed, I am now planning on cancelling all my future res with ceasars and will advise all I know to do the same