Charles Player sent a message to Thomas McInerney that said:
Mr. McInerney, I just finished reading the latest "Let's Talk" issue and embedded references to the China Oceanwide acquisition of Genworth and ongoing (five in the past seven years, I believe) LTC premium increases.
As a senior citizen with a semi-fixed income, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain this product that I purchased years ago with LTC security my primary concern. Now, whether I can keep the policies is uppermost. Notwithstanding my lack of insight into Genworth's financial dealings over the past several years, I would hope that decisions are made in the purest fiduciary sense with the shareholders' and insureds' best interests in mind, rather than those of the board, officers/executives and other parties.
My speech said, I am further concerned by the China Oceanwide acquisition and how it will likely affect LTC premiums, and why Genworth is eager to provide China Oceanwide a platform for global expansion, given China's longstanding nationalistic fiscal and monetary policies. Are any of Genworth's negotiators thinking of us?!
I'm sure you're quite busy, as I understand Oceanwide must close the deal by month's end, but a reply would be greatly appreciated.
Charles Player