rakib uddin sent a message to Giorgio Armani that said:
Hi i am rakib uddin from bangladesh. I am a great fan of Armani products.Armani is a high quality unique products and the best one compare to other products. I always desire to use your beautiful products.People delight when they see it is Armani and makes extra attention. I am a boy so i like all yours men collection.
It is a great pathetic matter that i love your products and desire my childhood to use your products but my family condition is not good enough to buy your any products. Still now i am also unable to buy your beautiful products. I wish and personally believes Armani loves their customers and as a great fan i want to use some of your products if you give me as a gift of your upcoming Christmas festival. I really want to use your products and give me this chance. I hardly manage your email but if you allow my wish or approve my desire i am really thankful and grateful to you.
Here are some my favorite item -
INDIGO PANAMA ERGONOMIC JEANS Item code: B6J41KQ15V blue- us 31 size
SHIRT IN SILK EFFECT TWILL Item code: SCC50LSCGC11100 White colour us 15 size OR
SHIRT IN FANCY COTTON-Blue colour us size small Item code: SCSMRLSC1F91041
My personal address given below-
58/31/04, North Mugdapara Madinabag, 4th Floor ,Dhaka-1214, Bangladesh
Mobile No- +8801672075972