Glen,I am still awaiting any response on my account issues.Are you ignoring me – Glen Post email address

Mary HARRINGTON sent a message to Glen F. Post, III President and CEO, CenturyLink, Inc. email address that said:


I am still awaiting any response on my account issues.
Are you ignoring me? no customer service response although they had written in an email 14 days ago I would get an email in 1 day.
I said I would keep you updated, and I will continue to keep you updated although century link has failed miserably to follow up on their own commitments.

As I said many times and wrote many times
I only want to return to the plan I had, before your reps put me in a plan that was NEVER explained other than I would never have to renew my 3 discounts.
I remind you, I asked not to be in the plan. I said I wanted my discounts and my easy talk international plan my local and long distance and internet. Just as it was before I was deceived by your reps and never had full disclosure of the plan. Now I have discounts???????
and have to pay over and above the $80.60 I was paying by $17.35 according to what I have seen.
arly 40 years
I will pay $80.60 to get my service back . ARE YOU or ARE YOU NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING???
If you are not doing anything than at the least have the courtesy to send me an email to that effect.

mary harrington
973-827-9179 I am in your system for nearly 40 years that is the very least I would think you would do.
Why have an email to the CEO otherwise?

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