Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson:It is Saturday afternoon at 1:30pm and once again your DTE plant – Gerard M Anderson email address

Gino Paolini sent a message to Gerard M. Anderson Chief Executive Officer of DTE Energy Company Email Address that said:

Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson:
It is Saturday afternoon at 1:30pm and once again your DTE plant at 200 Lycaste st (the old Conners power Plant) is making the dreaded "pile driving noise". this is located directly across from Riverside/Windsor and WE can hear it plain as day across the River.
I have emailed YOU, DTE, City HALL and have heard NOTHING as to WHY this is on going and why its even happening.
I spoke to a DTE employee, David and he was to look into this. I know its ONLY been a day but WE HAVE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH THIS NOISE FOR A YEAR NOW, EVERY SATURDAY/SUNDAY from the hours of 1:30 - 4:30pm.
What is going on Sir???
Why has no one answered this question?
Why is this happening?
What is this NOISE?
Why on the weekends?
When will it stop?
Please Sir, I ask that you contact me with anything you may find or at least STOP this irritating noise on our quiet weekends. This is absolutely driving us bonkers, its loud, irritating, echoing and intrusive to our quality of life.
Thank you
Gino Paolini
Windsor, Riverside

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