Good Afternoon Mr. Thomas M. Rutledge,I am a representative from EZ Life Medical Supply – Thomas M Rutledge email address

Easylife Medical Supply sent a message to Thomas M. Rutledge Chief Executive Officer and President of Charter Communications, Inc. Email Address that said:

Good Afternoon Mr. Thomas M. Rutledge,

I am a representative from EZ Life Medical Supply, a company that uses different services of Spectrum on monthly basis. I have to bother you to get a solution for a minor issue that has been arisen between our company and Spectrum Business, since the Customer Service representatives from Spectrum are not knowledgeable and professional enough to be able to assist me.
There was a conversation between a representative from Spectrum and myself today, on 01-25-2018 around 2:45p.m. SPT, and the representative was very rude and unprofessional by hanging up the telephone on me.
The conversation was about the following issue: on November the 9th of 2017, there was an issue with the 2nd line of the telephone. I had to contact Spectrum and I was told that the technician will come to the office to check the line for free of charge. Now, we have a Bill for $149.00 for Service Call Charge and Adjustment. After getting the bill our company contacted Spectrum to request for a fee waiver because nothing has been done by the technician during the 5 minutes he has been in the office on November the 9th of 2017.
Our company is very disappointed in Spectrum Business due to inappropriate customer service.
I hope you value the contract with Spectrum Customers and will be able to give a solution to the issue we have.

Thank you,

Easylife Medical Supply

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