Good Afternoon Paul, I apologize that I must bug you with such a – J Paul Raines email address

Ben sent a message to J. Paul Raines – Chief Executive Officer of GameStop Corporation – Email Address that said:

Good Afternoon Paul,

I apologize that I must bug you with such a trivial matter but it seems these days you always have to go to the top to deal with someone with business sense. The millenials we have to hire these days dont appreciate common sense business practices. I used to be in retail and I understand the reasoning for a return policy so customers do not take advantage and "rent" products. I bought my kids 2 pre owned Nintendo DS for Christmas purchased early on Dec 5th. Received on the 9th. Retailers are always trying to get us consumers to do their christmas shopping early but game stop penalizes you for it. My kids received the gift on Dec 25th and should have 30 days from that date not the purchase date. I tried to reason with them saying that if you give me store credit i will buy another game system they like and they will benefit from recurring revenue for future game sales. Still no help. I used to work in retail and we always gave 30 days from christmas. Why does your return policy not start from the 25th during Christmas? This makes no sense at all. At this point I really wish I would have purchased from Amazon. Help me change my perception of Game Stop please, and take care of us. Im only asking for store credit and I will buy the Wii U console for them instead and some games. They do not like the DS and I think children should have 30 days to figure it out. Please help me out so I can continue to do business with you. I am only asking for a store credit.

Best Regards,


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