Good day Mr. Peterson, My name is Dorene and I am writing to you – Robin Hayes email address

Dorene sent a message to Robin Hayes  Chief Executive Officer, President and Director of JetBlue Airways Corporation Email Address that said:

Good day Mr. Peterson,

My name is Dorene  and I am writing to you because I would like your intervention into a situation that happen on a JetBlue flight on 3/18/16 @ 1:30 pm, coming from Jamaica West Indies to JFK. I am asking respectfully that if you are not the person that I need to contact that you respond by referring me to the right person. Sir, within a few mins prior to take off, I starting coughing uncontrollable. The coughing continues for about 6mins until I starting to choke and could not breathe. I looked up and saw one of the agent walking to the rear of the plane and asked for water. He told me not now; I told him that I am choking. I felt fainted and put my head in my hands to try and relieve my self. About 20mins later he showed up with the water followed by a speech. I snatched the water from his hands and use a swear word, "give me the damn water. He then called "time out and had the pilot turned the plane around and put me off the flight. I asked why I was put off the plane and was told that JetBlue policy stated that if a passenger use a swear they should be put off the flight. I understands policy, I am the Associate Executive Director of Human Resources of one of the largest hospital in New York City. I was humiliated, lost of money that I did not budgeted for due to the unreasonable decision of one agent. Where is the customer service in these Jet Blue agents. I am asking for a full investigation, additional customer service training for these agents that include empathy and how to put people first, an apology and compensation for my pain and suffering. Again, Sir, I do not believe for one second that JetBlue Board of Directors would allow a passenger to die due to policy. Let's just say that If I had lost my life from choking because of denial of water. What would the penalty be? how would this affect your business; what answer would you have for my family? I need answers. I hope you will be able to help me. Thank you

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