Zevi Mehlman sent a message to Larry Page that said:
Dear Sir,
I have a Pixel 4a. Its about 2 months old. I received it from my son for my birthday back in August.
Unfortunately, the phone does not work correctly. It freezes up, touch does not work most of the time, battery discharges very fast and get hot when you charge it.
I called tech support and chatted with no resolution. I called the call center and they just hung up on me.
The first case number They gave me was 4-2172000030766 and the second was 2-8336000031161. Nobody knows what the other person is doing and nobody want to help get me a new phone.
I am reaching out to you for assistance on what I can do to get my phone replaced.
My phone number is 301-938-0406.
I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Zevi Mehlman