Greetings! Burger King in Evanston IL needs urgent care. Please fix the armchairs. They are – Marc Caira email address

Anton Novik sent a message to Marc Caira President and CEO, Tim Hortons Inc. email address that said:


Burger King in Evanston IL needs urgent care. Please fix the armchairs. They are worn out, look horrible and just half hour ago the bottom cushion dropped a few inches and shifted forward as I sat on it. Armchairs had been in bad condition for over 4 years as I live in this town and frequent visitor to this Burger King. Please hire a local handyman if you unable to find the same kind of chairs with this turning side table attached to the armrest. Buy any office armchair and reinstall the turning side table from old chairs. I want to note here that this Burger King is probably the only 24/7 place open near the most expensive Illinois University. Please replace the armchairs, but check the bathrooms and instruct nightshift to do their duty instead of...whatever they do there. The place is located near homeless shelter so homeless are often sleep there at night, but perhaps it is the only safe place for them and night shift dont bother them. Students avoiding this location, so please offer a student discount with University ID to bring poor students in.

Act swiftly.

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