@harleydavidson – Matthew S Levatich – Dear Sir, The United States of America has provided Harley Davidson enormous amounts of money

Mike Ruiz sent a message to Matthew S Levatich that said:

Dear Sir,
The United States of America has provided Harley Davidson enormous amounts of money not to mention tariffs against its competitors dating back to President Reagan. I believe our country now has a President who is trying to equal the trading world that is stacked against we Americans. If you follow trough with your overseas production , I, a Harley owner will have to think twice about what motorcycle company to support. As a 62 year old soon to be retired airline pilot, and bike rider, I will now consider many other bikes that will support my ride across America. Indian, Honda, BMW, Yamaha. All are great bikes. I am sure you will make your decision on what you think is the best for Harley Davidson.
Just remember this from one rider who rides with many other men and women on Harley’s. If I leave Harley for another bike, I WILL NOT COME BACK!
I left the NFL over the kneeling during the National Anthem and do not miss it one bit.
Harley Davidson is the symbol of America, please do not tarnish that symbol for a lousy dollar!
Stick with President Trump and the American worker and when this mess is over, and it will be over, it will be Harley Davidson who will be mentioned in business books on how to win over customers and a country. It will be me and all my buddies proudly saying “ it was Harley Davidson who stuck with America, and we, will stick wth Harley Davidson.

Michael Ruiz

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