@harleydavidson – Matthew S Levatich – Good afternoon Mr Levatich As a fellow harley fan, I was interested to read about

damian.galvin@whitemountain.ro sent a message to Matthew S Levatich that said:

Good afternoon Mr Levatich

As a fellow harley fan, I was interested to read about your intention to look at european production locations.

My background includes 24 years in automotive design & manufacturing, of which 12 I spent very happily at Aston Martin.

I relocated 10 years ago to sunny Romainia to open a real estate business, www.whitemountain.ro

One particular area might be of great interest to you as the labour rates are by far, the lowest inthe EU. The city of Brasov has a lot of Automotive suppliers, as well as companies like Airbus & a whole raft of engineering companies. I enclose a summary video posted on youtube with some highlights. But it would be a great pleasure to work with your team to evaluate the opportunity to co locate here. Ford have a big factory nearby for instance & man German OEMs have been here for a long time, from Bosch, Seimens, Continental to name just a few. My team would be happyy to find you a suitable manufacturing base & to introduce you to the correct resources for aministration, recruitment & so forth.

With kind regards
Damian Galvin
White Mountain Property
+40 727 606074
Damian Galvin

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