@Harman – Dinesh Paliwal – I am Swati Khona and for 20 years I'm associated with a socio- spiritual organization

Swati Khona sent a message to Dinesh Paliwal that said:

I am Swati Khona and for 20 years I'm associated with a socio- spiritual organization named Nira Multiversity - http://www.niramultiversity.org - a chairtable trust in Mumbai, Inda, .

I run a e-commerce platform name https://www.reetifashions.com. Its an project for women empowerment. We sell artificial jewellery made by women - to earn their living.

Further to that we help deserving people, women with following things -
1. Meditation seminars over weekends.
2. Empower Women
a) selling imitation jewelry to corporate, made by the women
b) Diet tiffin service (custom made diet tiffin for individual, made as per our doctors guidance)
3. Generating and donating used and new items from manufacturers to deserving people
4. Many seminars specifically for children, Women, Elders.

All of this is done solely on Donation basis.

There are 100 deserving people associated with our organization. Once a year we gift these people things which are useful to them, but cannot afford them - like luggage bags, thermal bottles, watches, cell phones. etc.

This email is to request for humble donation, be it donation in the form of money or kind (any of your products -50 qty)

We can provide you necessary tax documents for your humble donation

Would really appreciate your helping hand for this cause


+91 9869368776

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