Hello and good day, I know you probably receive alot of these but really have – Andrew Wilson email address

Russell sent a message to Andrew Wilson, CEO, Electronic Arts Inc. that said:

Hello and good day, I know you probably receive alot of these but really have tried everything else.
Im an individual who has a lot of great qualities, years of experience and potential to do great things.
I may not have all of the credentials needed for the high-end position but I have the mindset and dedication needed.
When it does become financially possible for me to aquire those things I will do so.
I have tried through Facebook, Twitter, EAsports careers to reach out to your company and other companies in order to start anywhere doing anything to get noticed.
Im always asked if I'm into the game design, short answer no, longer answer yes.
Do I want to program the code that makes the game work? No, but I know what players want to play, I have ideas that can improve games like Madden NFL and NBA Live.
I respect the limitations of the cpu systems but also see the needs of the players.
A common example I use is, I want to do 360s like vintage vince Carter and sit with the coder as he works.
I do think this is done now but I think I really have a talent and then I believe im a person that can mediate between the programmer and the customer.
My friends always have said that I need to be in the room with you guys or I need my own game.
I really just want a chance and think if im heard ill make a splash like no other im polarizing,exciting, funny, happy and make others the same.
Ive often tweeted to EAsports a chance is all I need please allow me to send a resume to you.
As I said before I have experience I believe I can start somewhere but once you hear me/meet me you will know this guybhas it we just need to train him on our ways and show him the direction we'd like to go.
In closing I know you have many requests for jobs and other things this is a request for a change to change EA for the better.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day, Russell Johnson III.

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