Hello Glen – I would like to inform you of some very horrific practices from – Glen F Post III email address

Ben Ward sent a message to Glen F. Post, III Chief Executive Officer of CenturyLink, Inc. Email Address that said:

Hello Glen - I would like to inform you of some very horrific practices from Century Link in the short few months I have had service.

I signed up in August of 2017 and requested that they not send me a modem because I would be using my own. They sent the modem anyway. I immediately returned it with the provided shipping label. Since that time I have been continually charged a leasing fee each month. After multiple months of contacting support this was supposed to be resolved. It was not. Now I am being charged the full price of a modem I returned 4 months ago. Customer support has verified that it was returned. But the charge is still on my bill.

The most alarming issue started yesterday. My internet service went down. After multiple attempts at troubleshooting the issue on my own and with support over a half a dozen times and many hours the issue could not be resolved. They created an appointment for a tech to come out and look into it. I woke up this morning to an email that my ticket was closed and that service was tested and restored. A tech was never here and my internet is still down.

I had to setup another appointment which has now further delayed a tech from coming out to restore service. I have made multiple appointments and they have all been closed without seeing a tech and without my consent.

I am on Christmas vacation from work, needed to work from home but have no connection and was told it will be 6 more days until it can be restored.

I have never experienced such poor customer service in my life. Half of the time I feel like Im not even treated like a human, let alone a paying customer. It is astonishing the headaches that Century Link has given me since I started service.

I am usually not one to complain, but the series of events that I have gone through has been so alarming that I feel it needed to be brought to your attention. Someone there needs to be held responsible to change the mindset of the company and how it treats its customers. I hope you can take the steps to move it in the right direction.

With the kids off for the holidays as well, it makes it that much more difficult to relax these days without internet access. Especially with a toddler.

I hope you can help me get this resolved and move this in the right direction. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Happy Holidays to you and yours.


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