Kim sent a message to Brian L. Roberts Chairman and CEO, Comcast Corporation that said:
Hello. I am very ounhappy with you r comoplany at present. My xfinity account online has been interwoven with another person's in another state. I'm Indiana, she's in PA. All my payments have gone onto her account and my account shows delinquent. I have all her account information available to me, but mine doesn't pull up when I access my account online. I have been on hold for up to and hour waiting to talk to a representative and finally, by keeping a young man on the phone until his billing manager, Deidre Jones, got on the phone adn we began looking inot this. I sent her a snipet of my problem, (picture of the interwoven accounts with the ther lady, Mary Ann Aydelotte's, information.) She immediately recognized the problem she said, they were involving 2 different districts? of Comcast.?? She was going to get back to me but hasn't despite 3 e-mails I have sent her. If you shut off my line for non-payment I am considering litigation. This is ridiculous and I should not have access to another persons information. Where is mine? Frustration with your poor response time answering the phone does not help, expecially when the systems hangs up on me abruptly while I wait. This is why I did a search and am trying to reach you. Can you help me???