Hello, I am writing to you today to request a refund of all purchases made – Kazuo Hirai email address

Will sent a message to Kazuo Hirai President and CEO, Sony Corporation – email address that said:


I am writing to you today to request a refund of all purchases made towards EA Sports in regards to their FIFA Points digital addon products.

The reasoning behind this is I was purchasing these digital addons in order to gain more currency to purchase special players within the game, players which are so called "special cards". these specials cards are awarded to players who perform extemely well in real life and then get a special card introduced into the game in honour of their performance.

A few examples of special cards would be players like Team of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo is by default a 93 overall player in the game however his Team of the Year special card is a 98 overall card.

As you can see from the stats on this website the Team of the Year card is supposedly a much better card with better stats and is meant to perform better in the game and in your team, however this year on fifa there has been something called "the chemistry glitch". Now what this glitch does is it prevents all of these special cards from performing anywhere close to their actual stats and infact actually makes them perform worse than their base cards (93 overall Ronaldo etc).

This is obviously unintentional and actually makes all of the purchases I have made on this game in order to purchase these special players irrelevant as they are actually worse than the players I already had. I have spent hundreds of pounds on these digital addons with the understanding that these players I am buying are going to improve my team and give me a advantage over other players however it is the complete opposite and has severely impacted my gameplay giving me a negative experience.

For more information in regards to the chemistry glitch you can find it via the links below;

And confirmation here from EA themselves in regards to all the problems:

I am hoping to receive a refund for these purchases due to the false advertising from ea and the sheer amount of time i've wasted playing with ineffective players purely because of the game developers. I have already contacted EA and they have told me they do not offer refunds for this and I will have to get in contact with psn to recieve this. I am happy to receive the refund either into my paypal, or directly into my bank account and if nothing else I can take it in store credit.

Thankyou for your time in reading this and hopefully you can see and understand why not only myself but a lot of other people are extremely frustrated by the misleading content being provided by EA, I am sure this will not be the first or last email you recieve in regards to this issue.

Kind Regards.

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