Hello. I have been in healthcare for over 25 yrs now. A lady told me – John C Malone email address

Elizabeth Keady sent a message to John C. Malone Chairman of Liberty Interactive Corporation Email Address that said:

Hello. I have been in healthcare for over 25 yrs now. A lady told me 15 yrs ago to go out and draw weekly to avoid burn out, though, Ive enjoyed patient care . I started to draw and , after time pictures came. I then started to draw for others and the first one was a man who came to the concerts outside where I sat with 2 chairs and a sign. And, asked; What do you do? sheepishly, I replied; " could draw you a garden or an angel. He responded; Ill take an angel. I knew, I had to be convinced in big way if this was where my healing career path would turn. He talked to his friend whole time. When I looked down at what Id done, the angel was simply in all different shades of blue. It couldve been so multicolored beautiful. Instinct told me to just give it to him. He and friend took a minute. They had glassy smiles in their eyes. And, then he said; " Ill take it. you see.. years ago, I flew for The Blue Angels. And, there it was.. I knew. I was on the right path. a few nights later. I closed my eyes before sleep and saw a silent movie. Got up to write it down. Slept. When I read this passage in the am. I could not believe the story. It is about an Indian woman who comes for healing. I quick looked through all my drawings of past year and there it was. She had a full headdress. Asked a native friend why a woman would have chiefs mane of feathers. He replied; She was either getting married that morn or was a medicine woman. I have always been in some kind of healing works, and I believe this to be a past life. Though, this beautiful message of healing is not merely for me to be sure. And, This message is either the begin or end of the story/movie. Do you know whom I should talk to next? And, surprise, as I looked you up, I cant believe your page said you are In Englewood CO.!!! I moved here 2 yrs ago from Chicago. My brothers been out here 50 yrs. since college.. in Lakewood. My automatic art is published in Il. The Indian woman with the full mane of feathers made cover a tri state competition. Best regards to you! Elizabeth Keady 224-420-0363.

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