Hello Mr. Anderson:My name is Gino Paolini and I live in Windsor, Ont. Canada in – Gerard M Anderson email address

Gino Paolini sent a message to Gerard M. Anderson Chief Executive Officer of DTE Energy Company Email Address that said:

Hello Mr. Anderson:
My name is Gino Paolini and I live in Windsor, Ont. Canada in the area of Riverside. Our homes are across the river from your Michigan plant on 200 Lycaste St. in Detroit 48214. This is the old "Conners Creek Power Plant.
For the past year we, across the river have been hearing a loud "pile driving noise" coming from this plant EVERY weekend, its very irritating to say the least. Our quality of life has been disrupted and we are tying to find out WHY this is happening. We have tried through our own Municipalities to get to the bottom of this but with the noise stemming from Detroit, there is NO help.
I spoke to a DTE Employee today, David and he is going to find out if it is this plant or who may be causing this noise issue. We understand that purchasing a new property may need construction and building but to have this noise reach across the River to Windsor/Riverside and disrupt a whole area is terrible. We have had to put up with is noise for the past year, since early 2016.
I ask you Mr. Anderson, to please look into this complaint and see what is really going on, why its been done and how long will it continue...if its this Plant.
Thank you
Gino Paolini
Windsor/Riverside Canada

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