Hello Mr. Hayes, My name is Loren. I am President, CEO and founder – John A Hayes email address

Loren sent a message to John A. Hayes – President and Chief Executive Officer of Ball Corporation – Email Address that said:

Hello Mr. Hayes,
My name is Loren.
I am President, CEO and founder of Tattler Reusable Canning Lids. I am sure your familiar with the company. We are at a crossroads and need to decide on putting the company on the market or expanding our sales forces.
Personally I am getting along in years and beginning to have the desire to back down and enjoy life. Often times a company likes to eliminate competition and precisely the reason for this contact. Perhaps Jarden would be interested in eliminating this competitor. If such would be the case, I would be open to a conversation in that direction. I can be reached at the above e-mail address or phone.
Thank you

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