Genesis sent a message to John J. Mulligan Interim President and CEO, Target Corporation that said:
Hello Mr. Mulligan,My name is Genesis . I am a full-time, senior student at Missouri Southern State University in Joplin, Missouri. I will be graduating with my Bachelor's in Business Management with minors in Human Resources and Total Quality Management in May of this year. I am currently in a course called Employee Training and Development . In this course, I am to develop a four-hour training session on a topic of my choice. I am to choose an organization to collect information about the company itself, the need for the training, and the funds available to do so. To collect the information, I am required to interview managers of that organization by phone, email, or face-to-face interview and to submit the assignment by Saturday, February 14, 2015. The topic I have chosen is diversity in the workplace. I believe this is such a necessary topic to educate employees of any organization because of the ever-changing diversity in today's business world. I would like to interview you via email about Target and diversity training. I have not contacted any other personnel at Target. I request to you to answer ten questions below relating to the organization and diversity in the workplace for which I will be grateful to you. Sincerely, Genesis .
What is your name and your position at Target?
What is Targetâs organizational strategy, mission, and vision?
What kinds of experiences have you had working with others with different backgrounds than your own?
How have you handled a situation when an employee was not accepting of othersâ diversity? If so, what was the solution taken to solve the problem?
What efforts have you made, or been involved with, to foster diversity competence and understanding?
What have you done to further your knowledge about diversity? Have you included diversity in your professional development? How have you demonstrated what you have learned?
What kind of leadership efforts would you make to ensure a commitment to the diversity initiative or value?
What would you want as an outcome of diversity training?\n\n\n\nIs there funding for diversity training at Target?
Do you believe training is the best option to educate individuals on diversity in the workplace? Is there another way that the problem can be fixed?